If your carpet smells after cleaning it may be because the odor-absorbing powder you sprinkled on it is absorbing the bad odors. It can also be because the vacuum cleaner you used doesn’t have enough power to suck out the water and cleaning solution, leaving the padding underneath soaked.

A damp pad can also absorb spilled food that goes bad, creating an unpleasant odor.


If your carpet was clean, but it smells worse after cleaning, the issue might be the result of too much moisture. The padding under the carpet can hold a lot of dirt and stains that, when it’s wet, can spread all over your room. Bacteria also love warmth and moisture, making them multiply and produce that unpleasant odour.

Some stains are especially hard to get rid of, such as those caused by urine or spilt milk. The reason these stains don’t come out with the carpet shampoo nozzle is that they are usually deep into the fibres. You can use enzyme sprays that will break down the stain, but the odour may still linger.For more info I’ll suggest you visit the website Maidstone Carpet Cleaner.

To speed up the drying process and eliminate that awful odour, place bowls of white vinegar or kitty litter around the room. These deodorizers absorb odours directly from the air, as well as dampness. You can also sprinkle baking soda or borax on the carpet, allow it to sit and then vacuum it up.


When warm water comes into contact with urine, vomit, or a similar foul odour, it can sink all the way down to the carpet padding and cause a musty smell. If this smell lingers, it’s likely that there is a serious issue with moisture or a plumbing leak beneath your carpet.

The odour is most often caused by mildew, which can easily grow on the underlay of your carpet if it’s wet. This layer is not exposed to air or light and therefore takes longer to dry than the actual carpet itself. You can help the process along by opening windows and using fans to encourage odour dissipation.

The odour is also a sure sign that your carpet was not cleaned properly in the first place. A low-quality cleaning company or a DIY job may not have completely extracted the solution, leaving the carpet and underlay soaking wet. Left too long, this can lead to mold and mildew – both of which produce strong, unpleasant odours.


Dirt is a common culprit for smelly carpet. The problem is that dirt sinks deep into the fibers of your carpet and becomes trapped there. This is especially true with pee (urine) stains, which are almost impossible to get out of your carpet without using a professional machine. These stains are exacerbated by warm water and moisture, as bacteria love to multiply in these conditions.

Improper cleaning can also be a cause of smelly carpets. If a cleaner over-wets your carpet, the pad under it can become soaked and develop a musty odor. This is particularly a problem if the padding is not open to sunlight and air, which can cause it to mold and mildew.

To prevent this, sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda on your carpet before you vacuum it. This will not only absorb the odors but help the carpet dry faster. You can also try placing bowls of white vinegar, kitty litter or borax around the room to act as deodorizers while the carpet and pad are drying.


Often, the smell after carpet cleaning results from using harsh chemicals during the treatment. Many of these cleaners are based on surfactants, which can help to lift grease and oil. However, they may also contain chemicals that are derived from petroleum or even from coconut and palm oils, which is why people with sensitivities or who are eco-conscious should carefully examine the products they use.

Another reason for a bad smell after carpet cleaning is that the padding of the carpet retains too much water. This can lead to the growth of mildew and mould. This is a big problem because mildew and mould are very unpleasant odours to be stuck with.

If you want to avoid this issue, try using a stain-buster that uses enzymes instead of chemical fragrances and deodorants. Enzymes are proteins that speed up biological processes, breaking down stains into their basic components. This method is not only effective but also safe for children and pets.